Universal Smart Gas Meter Box
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Universal Smart Gas Meter Box
Suitable for all Gas Meter Installations in the UK Market (includes the latest pre-payment & smart meters). This meter box comes supplied with lock and key.
These universal boxes can be installed either surface-mounted, floor-standing, or partially buried.
- Height: 500mm
- Width: 474mm
- Depth: 303mm
- Brown
- Designed for the standard meter installation kits.
- Complies with British Standard B.S. 8499 : 2009.
- Constructed from a high strength and extremely durable material.
- Can be surface mounted, floor standing or partially buried.
- Designed to accommodate a range of domestic gas meter types.
- Manufactured using Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP).
- Fire retardant to BS476, Part 7, Class 2.
- Fitted meter bracket.
- Fitted Safety Door stay.
- Will not corrode, weather resistant.
- Door opening front to back.
Fitting instructions
- This meter box should be installed by a suitably qualified person.
In construction, compliance with utility provider requirements cannot be improvised. At Wade, our universal smart meter box will fit every UK gas utility installer’s checklist.
Smart Meter Box Compliance
These brown GRP meter boxes are designed to house all standard gas meters, including smart meters and meters for pre-payment.
The smart meter boxes comply with British Standard B.S. 8499: 2009 and are fire retardant to BS476, Part 7, Class 2.
The boxes are lockable and come supplied with a pre-installed lock and a set of keys.
Tricel has been in the business of making and supplying meter boxes for over forty years so you can be confident that you are ordering the best possible product.
Meter Box Installation
Gas meter boxes can be installed in a variety of positions dependent upon local requirements but should always be accessible in case of emergency.
Installing the gas meter box on a publicly accessible boundary wall is not a security risk. Boxes are designed to be tamper-proof but should be readily available for utility providers or emergency services to access.
The usual site for installation of a universal gas meter box would be to one side of the front door, making sure that it does not cause an obstruction, or that it is in a position where it could sustain damage.
Top Tips for Gas Meter Box Installation
Ensure the ground is properly compacted and level below the base of the box.
When installed partially buried, the depth is normally no more than 75mm or three courses of brickwork below the damp proof course (DPC). The meter box is designed to prevent any bridging of the DPC.
For surface mounting the level should be set at two brick courses below DPC.
Ensure the box sits level both side to side and front to back before fixing.
Where Not to Install a Gas Meter Box
Don’t fit your gas meter box over manholes, electricity meter boxes, airbricks or drains.
If the plans show the gas meter box positioned below, or adjacent to opening windows then flag this up to the client. Proximity to glazing is okay as long as the window is sealed shut.
It’s also advisable to avoid positioning a gas meter box below an electrical meter box or appliance flue.
Meter Boxes and Part L Compliance
Installation of a universal gas meter box will automatically comply with Part L thermal regulations when installed surface-mounted, partially buried, or floor-standing outside the building’s thermal envelope.
Recessed Wall Mounted Gas Meter Box
In some instances, a recessed gas meter box, built into the outer brick leaf of a wall may be specified. A lintel will be required, and specific insulation details will have to be observed to ensure the continuity of the thermal envelope.
Make sure the door to the recessed box is insulated to provide a thermal break.
For further information or advice don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team at Wade.