SMT200 Straight Movement Ties for Expansion Joints - 100 Pack
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Expamet's SMT200 Powertie is a Straight Movement Tie, suitable for use across movement joints in 10-12mm mortar beds.
Complete with de-bonding sleeve, the SMT200 is designed to allow for movement within a structure whilst still supporting against lateral loads.
Installation Requirement:
- Minimum design embedment 62.5mm
- Ties must be bedded and covered in fresh mortar before laying course above
- Push sleeve all the way onto the tie, then back 10mm before installing
Material Stainless Steel 1.4301 to BS EN10088-2:2014
Product Type Straight Movement Tie
Material Gauge 2.0mm
Width/Wing Length 19mm
Features/Benefits Corrosion resistant stainless steel, curved safety end to prevent injury and complete with de-bonding sleeve.