FIREZERO 125mm Cavity Fire Sock 1200mm Long
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FIREZERO 125mm cavity (BROWN) is suitable for cavity sizes ranging between 121mm to 130mm. Sock size = 140 x 86 x 1200
A FIREZERO MULTI SOCK consists of a 1200mm length of semi rigid ECOSE™ mineral wool slab this is fully encapsulated in a recycled polythene printed sleeve with current regulations and fire certification to aid visual site identification and guarantees authenticity. Suitable for all applications as brick/block or timber and steel frame.
FIREZEROMULTI SOCKis designed to prevent fire penetration, aid the reduction of sound transmission and help maintain the thermal integrity of the insulation requirements under Approved Document L1A FOR England and Wales October 2010 through wall cavity in both masonry / block and brick / timber frame & steel cavity wall structures. The product is used around all apertures as well as at party wall junctions and floor levels in all cavities.
The mineral wool used to produce the core of a FIREZERO-MULTI SOCK Cavity Stop Sock is non-combustible to BS476: part 4: (1984). The correct use of a Cavity Stop Sock will provide in excess of the 30 minute cavity fire barrier as defined in Table A6 of Appendix A to Approved Document B of the Building Regulations 1991. Our products have been independently tested by Chiltern International Fire where the test was stopped after 66 minutes giving the FIREZEROMULTI SOCK a rating in excess of 1 HOUR. Our product testing has been carried out both vertically and horizontally by Chiltern International Fire and is covered by test certification CHILT/IF06028 showing vertical applications and CHILT/IF06027 showing horizontal (internal walls only for external walls see FIREZERO-LEVEL data ref 27 applications. Approved document B of the building regulations 1991 (2000 edition), section 10 Table 12 “Provision of Cavity Barriers” gives a complete list of cavity type and building purpose groups for which a cavity barrier should be installed. Table 14 of the same document gives maximum dimensions of cavities in specified building groups. These tables should be referred to in full by the designer when considering the provision of cavity barriers. FIREZERO-MULTI SOCK Cavity Stop Socks comply with the robust details accepted to prove a solution. FIREZERO Multi-Socks acoustically meet Approved Document E (2003 edition) of the Building Regulations relating to sound transmission. . FIREZERO-MULTI SOCK .will comply with the new Approved document L1A for England and Wales dated October 2010. Due to the use of the ECOSE™ slab core and the recycled plastic the product is classified as ZERO ODP and ZERO GWP